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baby steps

Yes, i mean that literally, our BABY took his first STEPS yesterday!!!!

This mommy could not be more proud! All the while a couple thoughts are running through my head:
Bout dang time!
Slow Poke!
Thank god, my back was starting to really take a beating carrying around a 27lb baby.
We're in trouble now.......

Remember in this post where i told you one of my main reasons for wanting Matthew to stay home with me while I work was so that I dont miss out on any of his "firsts"? Well I guess god works in mysterious ways, because I just so happen to have him home with me yesterday and figured we would burn off some energy by playing in the grass out front. I put on a little pair of his shoes, grabbed some juice, and out we went.

We had been practicing walking for a few minutes, with him holding my hands finger. He was doing pretty good. And he was literally leading me back and forth across our large front yard. I decided like most mommy bloggers that it was only necessary for we to snap a pic of our lil man standing in the front yard. Now, lets get this straight, hes 14months and 2 days old, barely stands by himself, and usually refuses to let go of one of our hands while standing. He can crawl at lightening speed, walk around the couch, use the table and his toys to get around, and even climb onto the couch. But he still doesnt want to stand without holding on to something, and always drops before he can even take one step.

So back to the story

I want to snap a pic. I get him balanced enough to stand. I let go. Scoot back a touch. Squat down to take a pic, and what does he do? He takes about 4 steps! not just one, but FOUR! And then plop. I must have scared him, as well as looked like an absolute fool to any bystanders watching, when i screamed OH MY GOSH!!! BUDDDY!!! (i was able to control myself though, and held back any tears) I clapped, he smiled, and then i thought "SH*T!! my phone was on camera and not video!!!"

So of course, we had to try again. I was actually able to catch his "second" steps on video. Its a really short clip, but I just have to share

Honestly, i was in shock for at least 20mins after this. I tried to catch a couple more video clips, but wasnt as successful in my attempts. Plus, it was like 95* outside and lil man was drenched in sweat. So after downing some juice we headed back inside where we sent the video to Daddy (and a whole bunch of other family members).

Needless to say, the minute daddy got home from work we continued to practice our walking skills out front. But of course, as I like to correct everyone when they say they are so happy hes walking, "he walked, hes not walking.... he doesnt seem to want to do it again lol."

So for now, we are just going to continue practicing, and prepare ourselves for the trouble that we are going to enter in the very foreseeable future........

also linking up with linking up with Kelly, Lindsay, Megan, and Carly for Trendy Tot Tuesday (technically it was Tuesday when I wrote this lol) because I just think the first lil outfit he was wearing (that had to be changed due to sweat, grass, and juice) was just so adorable. My sister-in-law bought it for him this past weekend at BabiesRUs when they had a huge sale. The pants are actually a little big since they are a 3T but they are SOOOOO soft!!! And plusalso, his shoes, too cute! The ones in the first pics & video are from carters, and the ones in the last couple of pics are Toms that I got on a huge sale when they were on Zulily.


  1. Awww yay! SO glad you got to see his first steps!

  2. Holy cow look at him go! That's awesome! Noah just took his first steps yesterday. I don't know when he'll be "walking" but soon. I am not ready for this. LOL

  3. How stinking cute! It seems like they grow all too fast!



  4. So cute! And so glad you caught it on video and got pics, we missed our little girl's first steps! Thanks for linking up, I'm your newest follower!

  5. Oh my goodness, so cute!! It's always bittersweet when they start to walk! xoxo

  6. Congrats! So exciting :)

    IG: megawat


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