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fertility reading - scam? or for real?

I really have no excuses for it. We are always busy here at our house, so its not like we were extra busy. But for some reason Ive been slackin on blogging. Whateves....

So Im not sure if any of you trying to conceive have heard of Suzanne's fertility readings or not, but on the chatboards for TheBump, BabyCenter, etc they are talked about alot. Ill admit, I was a little skeptical about it, considering it was over the internet, and it sounded like a total scam to me. But i figured, what the heck, $8 bucks, Ill just promise not to buy 2 redbulls this week (i know bad, Im trying to stop drinking them).

Anyways, so you go to her site, use paypal to pay for a reading (i chose the $8 option) send her a pic of yourself and your TTC history. She got back to me within a week, but if you choose the free option on her facebook page, i think it takes a lot longer. So I figured Id share with you what my reading said:
Fertility Reading for Lisa
October 1, 2011
I hope this reading finds you happy and healthy. I also appreciate your patience. 
When I connect with you, I feel a strong sense of self.  I feel you have a lot of inner strength. This is to remind you that you do have the capability to complete and finish any goal you have.  I feel you have a lot of discipline, stability, and courage.  Remember this when you get tired on your journeys.  I sense a lot of positive movement forward, with that a lot of success. I do feel as we all do I feel, have some moments of weakened self confidence and self doubt.  I feel you and your partner have a strong relationship, I sense a lot of harmony there.  I feel you can almost read each other’s thoughts and finish each other sentences.
As far as fertility, I feel you are fairly regular and do ovulate.  I sense maybe you or hubby travels so ovulation time may be missed?  I feel you need to chart and use opk kits to track ovulation.  Also I see the need for prenatal vitamins, B6 and folic acid. 
I feel as though ovulation is coming soon in this cycle. I feel very positive about this cycle.  I see the month of October as the month to conceive, find out or both.  I see a girl.  I feel you will not have any early pregnancy symptoms and your BFP will come as a surprise.  I feel you will be able to take a HPT on days 10 to 12 past ovulation. I feel you will have a great pregnancy, and a very healthy baby. 
I do see another pregnancy, right away. I see the month of September 2012 as the month to conceive or find out.  I see a boy. 
Good Luck!!!

Surprisingly the first couple of things she said about me being strong and always finishing my goals, is fairly true. As well as the fact that I travel for work and therefore sometimes we miss our window to conceive. I also am not very confident in myself sometimes, but thats why I love my hubby. We do have a great relationship.

As far as the fertility aspect of the reading goes, we will just have to wait and see if she is right..... (i hope she is!!!)

p.s. we are finally getting some cool weather down here in south florida. It is absolutely gorgeous today!


I finally did it....

I broke down and finally bought a DSLR! Im so excited to figure out how all the features work. If your wondering which one I bought, take a look:
Its the Nikon D3100 in an exclusive red color! It was actually on sale this week at Best Buy and I've been wanting a camera that takes good pics for the longest time, like FOREVER! Yes, I know its not the most advanced camera Nikon has to offer. And to tell you the honest truth, hubs wouldnt even let me consider any other brand besides Nikon, so I didnt even bother to look at any other brands. I do still have this doubt in my mind that I should go back and return it to get the D5100. The #1 reason Im thinking this is because of the screen on the back.

See the D5100 has the ability to open the screen and flip it so that it doesnt get scratched. And so that if the camera is at a different angle you can rotate the screen to see. However, it also comes with a price tag thats $250 more than the one I bought. And I cant help loving the fact that my camera, the D3100, is red! My favorite color isnt even red, but I love color. And this camera was the only one that came in a color. Plus the features that I may be missing out on, are probably features I wont understand how to use yet as an amateur. And I figure by the time I do want to use those features I will probably want a new camera anyways.

The second reason I decided Sunday night that I would go buy this camera on my lunch break on Monday (yes, I may be a procrastinator, but when I want something, I dont waste any time lol) is because for Thanksgiving my entire family is going on a week cruise! (more to come on that later) And I want to be able to take good photos. Since I do still have my Olympus Stylus Tough digital camera, which is waterproof and shockproof, I plan on only using the Nikon while we are on the cruise ship. I refuse to accidentally loose or drop the Nikon, and figured it best to use my trusty Olympus to take photos while out on excursions and such (oh I can wait to go back to Dunns River Falls!!!!! yay!)

And my last reason, but surely not least, reason for buying the camera is because once we finally get pregnant I want to make sure I can capture every moment of my pregnancy with a camera that takes good quality photos. Im even thinking about dedicating any entire board to maternity photo ides on pinterest. Thank god I follow alot of bloggy friends that also are photographers and they pin just awesome maternity shots (by the way thanks ladies for taking half the work away from me!)

So, since I got this camera on Monday, I have been practicing taking pics of everything and anything the past few days. Specifically my family. Let me know what you think.


And yes, the majority of the photos contain my niece as the focal point. She was the only willing model during my practice at my nephews baseball game ;)

p.s. if any of you have any tips for new photographers or opinions about my choice of camera please leave a comment! I would love to hear what you have to say!

things i blog about

#Roads #SentimentalJourney 14months 2012 2013 3 months 4th of july about me about us advice anniversaries babies baby #1 baby blues baby boy style baby elf baby fever baby giraffe baby pumpkin baby shower baby-free weekend babys firs valentine's day babys first bath babys first christmas babys first easter babys first halloween babys first pumpkin babys first pumpkin patch babys first smiles babys first thanksgiving bachelorettes beach beauty before and after bin laden birth birth story birthday giving birthdays birthing books Brave bunny business cameras careers celebrations challenges Chris Mann christmas christmas eve cold weather confessions conneticut constests country country music cousin frankie cousins cruises currently day-in-the-life deals death debt design diet disappointment Disney disney pumpkin donate dream house earache easter easter basket elections emergency room emmy rossum exercise fall family fashion featured posts finances five on friday florida football freebies fridays letters friends fundraise gender reveal gift giving gifts giveaway goals grandparents hair halloween health high school history holiday bucket list holidays home home tour house renovation hubby i won infantino inpiration intro iPhone iphone 5 jack-o-lantern kitchen labor life living room love Luminous married life marry-wed game matthew me memories merry christmas mickey mouse jack-o-lantern mickey mouse pumpkin milestones mommy meltdown monthly updates movies music my family rocks neighborhood New Jersey new mom new york niece oceans office pajamas parenting parents photo challenge photography photography business pinterest pixar PONDS post-baby pre-baby pregnancy premama prenatals procrastination product reviews project31 project365 pumpkin patch pumpkins questions quotes recipes republican reviews road trip Roads rock the ocean rolling stone sante fe saving schedules shopping shopping cart cover show and tell sick sleep issues snow so what social sponsored spring stress style swingset target tuesday tennessee thanksgiving The Croods The Little Mermaid The Voice things we love thoughts throwback thursdays TLC toddler tortuga music festival traditions trendy tot tuesday TTC turkey ultimate blog party vacation valentine's day videos vitamins voting vows walking weddedn bliss wednesdays wedding bliss wednesday weddings wednesday weigh-in wee bit wednesday weight weight watchers wife wine night winners winter wish list wordless{ish} Wednesday work working from home working mom year in review