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Working from home, with toddler in tow part 2

written Wednesday July 24, 2013

So today is the day. Our first official day in our Work from Home with Toddler in Tow Trial Period. To sum it up real quick: So far, so good!

Heres the detailed breakdown of how things went on Day 1:

7:30am (early for us)
Matthew wakes up

Bottle for Matthew in his little rocker in the living room as Mommy feeds the cat and dogs, makes the bed, puts in contacts, gets dressed.

8:00 - 8:45
Playing on the floor with some toys while watching Disney Jr. Says hi to Poppy who came over to take trailer to the local dump. Who also mows 1/4 of the lawn were the trailer was, and leaves the rest unmowed. So annoying......

Mommy makes juice, cheerios, strawberries, and bananas for Matthews breakfast. A smart ones breakfast quesadilla and the trusty ol' Red Bull Total Zero (zero points on Weight Watchers by the way) for mommy

Clean up baby and turn on work computer.

9:15 - 10:25
Matthew plays in his walker, getting into everything and anything (bubble wrap, cat litter box, pool toys) while mommy does some work, checks emails, reads some favorite blogs.

Breathing treatment for little man, as he has a lingering cough and refuses to let me do the treatment any other time besides right before napping or going to sleep

10:35 - 12:00pm
Matthew naps. Mommys works some more. One conference call. Aunt DeAnna stops by to drop off some mango. Mommy finishes mowing the front lawn before Matthew wakes up.

Matthew is heard loud and clear screaming through the monitor while mommy is out front finishing the lawn.

Mommy makes some lunch, turkey and cheese sandwiches for both of us. Applesauce for Matthew and some mango for mom. Matthew got to taste his first little bit of mango. Seemed to like it, but didnt want to give him too much as Poppy, cousin Andrew, and Uncle E all have mango allergies.

12:45 -1:00
Clean up lunch mess. Play with matthew and dogs on living room floor.
Somewhere during this time Matthew must have pushed to hard on Ruger (our bigger dog) which startled him, and in return snapped on Matthew. I think it was more of a shock and scare for all of us, opposed to an actual harmful or worrisome situation. I grabbed matthew who hysterically started crying, disciplined and threw the mutt outside, and continued to console my lil one. There was no blood, nor broken skin, but you could see something, either a nail or tooth must have scrapped the side of matthews face. I was able to calm him down, and he went right back to playing as normal. Unfortunately, it scared the shit out of me, and the for the rest of the day I was extremely cautious and a tad nervious anytime Ruger was around.
note: Our dog has never shown any aggression towards any of us, and is actually extremely protective over Matthew, so Im not too worried, and honestly think it was one time thing (i hope)
You can barely see it, but by the corner of his eye and the two lil marks on his che

Set up a play area for Matthew using my sisters gate she lent me for the couple of days shes gone. I knew I had my biweekly 1x1 with my manager from 2:30-3 and didnt want to take the chance of matthew getting into something if I wasnt watching over him for a couple of mins

Matthew plays in his area, mommy has conference call. We did extremely well. Only thing I would change is next time I will set up the monitor to point into that area because I completely forgot about this part, and literally was peaking around the corner as I was trying to pay attention to the conversation but all keep an eye on him.

Matthew gets a sippy with milk, while watching a cartoon in his rocker in the living room.

4:00 - 5:15
Matthew naps while mommy gets some more work done.

We play and have a few snacks as we wait for daddy to get home from work.

All in all, it was a good day. Im sure there will be days that are completely out of control, and possibly some days that go even smoother, but I defintely think this is something that we will be able to do moving forward. Which makes me one happy mama!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have great schedule going! Glad to hear it's working out for you :)



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