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Throwback Thursdays: Telling hubby we were pregnant

No Im not pregnant again. But since I completely missed documenting basically my entire pregnancy I think Im going to start my own weekly post called Throwback Thursdays. This way I can recap special moments in my life from the past year and be able to share it with ya'll.
Im gonna start with how I found out I was pregnant and how I told my hubby the good news. 
It all started on Monday October 3, 2011.
We had been trying to get pregnant for about 3 months and for some reason Id been having this feeling that that month was different. So before I logged into work I did the unthinkable and peed on a stick. For those of you who have tried to get pregnant or are currently trying to get pregnant you know about the whole 2 week waiting period. Well if you thought 2 weeks was a long time to wait, think again. Those 3 mins of waiting for the results are even longer. I knew I could be setting myself up for disappointment, but as mentioned before every little thing during the 2ww felt like a definite sign. And technically I wasnt due for my period for another few days. Unfortunately once those 3 mins were up, I looked down at the test and only saw 1 line. That meant negative for those of you who aren’t familiar with the tests.
My heart ached for the rest of the day, but I kept telling myself there still was a chance that I could be pregnant. It may just be too early for the pregnancy test to recognize it. I didn’t want to bring it up to Matt either, as I didn’t want him to think I was crazy crush his hopes either. So I went on with my day at work and put it out of my mind. I promised myself I would not POAS until after I had missed my period (another 5 days away).
Guess how long that promise lasted? A whole 24 hours. The next morning I just couldn’t resist. I truly felt like it was different this time. Just little things I noticed. I had felt bloated the past couple of days. My breasts were soar.  Overly tired. All symptoms that could just mean AF was coming. I tried to hold out. I even made it to my lunch break without doing it. But I figured, why not try one more time, just to see. This time I wanted to try to use the digital test (I literally had a whole box of tests from doing the whole TLC: A Conception Story). So I POAS and brought it into my office and waited for what seemed like forever. Glancing over about every 10 seconds to see if the little clock had stopped flashing. Much to my surprise, the result I read off the test stated “YES+”
Wait. Hold on. Im pregnant? I looked at it again. No, my eyes weren’t tricking me. It clearly stated I was. OMG! IM PREGNANT! I just sat there for a couple of minutes. Maybe it was wrong. I should pee on another stick. Maybe the one with the lines. I heard even the faintest of lines still means pregnant. I have to see those two lines. (those who have been there are probably laughing right now, how many sticks did you pee on? lol)
So I did it again. POAS again. Waited again. Glanced a few times again. And then it appeared. Yes it was a very faint line, but indeed a line. Same result. Different test. That must mean its true right? OMG! IM PREGNANT! WE’RE HAVING A BABY!!!!
Immediately the next thing I thought of was how am I gonna tell Matt? I knew it had to be somewhat clever, but I didnt want it to be too completely corny either. I researched all day trying to come up with something cute. I actually found a maternity shirt that was a Dolphins shirt that said "future kicker" with little footprints over the tummy area. I thought perfect, were huge Miami Dolphins fans (yes, dont laugh, I know our team sucks, but we cant give up on them now lol). So I ordered it immediately and choose the fastest shipping possible. Which meant I had to wait another 2 days. How would I ever keep this secret from Matt? 
It was so hard the next couple of days, but somehow I managed to keep it a secret. And I also came up with the great idea that I would put a hamburger bun in our oven and ask Matt to go check why the over wasnt getting hot. The plan was for him to open the oven and say "Why is there a bun in the oven?" Then turn and look at me with my shirt that says future kicker. Clever, I know, however has anyone ever told you men arent as clever as women, yeah. We'll get Matts side of the story in a sec.
So the night that I decided to tell him while we were working on the kitchen during the remodel. I even tried to get in on video when I told him but for some reason the camera cut out right when it would have captured his reaction. Obviously things didnt go as planned, and hubby didnt realize what was going on and I had to explain it to him. It actually took him a few minutes to hug me because he didnt really know what was going on. lol. But once he did we were both so happy.
When I asked Matt to recap the story in his version this is what I got:
"We had been working on the kitchen and you had freaked me out but saying the oven wasn’t working. So I turned it on and opened the door to feel for heat. It was working perfectly fine. I did happen to notice there was a hamburger bun in there so i took it out and placed in on top of the stove and went back to what I was doing. You responded with “Think about what you just saw!” I didnt understand "What? A bun in the oven?" Stupid me, I still didnt get it. You then said something about look at my shirt. I read it and thought about it for a second, "What are you pregnant?" You shook your head. "Really?" I was so excited, I didnt really know what to do with myself. I was kinda quiet and you had to actually ask if I was going to hug you or not. I was so happy I wasnt even thinking."
If you want to see the footage I did catch play the video below.

Yeah sorry for the cursing and i wish it had caught the rest. But i guess Ill learn better for next time.

So how did you or are you going to tell your spouse that youre pregnant? Link up and tell us. Maybe one of your ideas will inspire me on how to tell hubby whenever baby #2 is on the way! Next week Ill share how and when we told our family and friends we were pregnant.


  1. Haha! What a cute idea and his confused reaction is hilarious! I'm surprised you kept quiet that long! I'm not sure I would be able to!


things i blog about

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